5 Things I am Thankful for as a Food Allergy Parent

Thanksgiving was yesterday. In light of that fact, I decided to put together a list of things that I am thankful for. This list is obviously not all inclusive. Instead, my focus is on things that I am thankful for that pertain to our life with food allergies. Here are 5 things that I am…

10 Important Food Allergy Facts I Wish Everyone Knew

Here is another Food Allergy Awareness themed post for you to share with your friends during Food Allergy Awareness Week (or anytime, really! We can always educate and advocate, even when the week is over). The following are ten food allergy facts that I wish everyone knew: Food allergies can be life threatening [and epipens…

10 Things I Wish People Knew About Life as a Food Allergy Parent

Yesterday was both Mother’s Day, and the start of National Food Allergy Awareness Week. It is in the spirit of both of these events that I felt compelled to compile this list. Being a mother can be difficult as well as rewarding, and being a food allergy mom comes with its own unique challenges. I…